Which Alloy Wheels Are Right For My Car
by AlloyWheels.com, FAQ's
This is a probably our most frequently asked question, but thankfully for us, it’s also one of the easiest ones to answer.
There are a number of factors that go into determining whether any given wheel is going to be suitable for any given car, and the detailed summary of what these factors are have been covered in previous blog posts.
Can I Put Bigger Wheels On My Car
by AlloyWheels.com, FAQ's
This should be quite a short one, but it’s a question we get asked quite a lot and is definitely worth addressing.
It’s an understandable question, particularly seeing as there is so much talk of various sizes and ‘low profile’ tyres and like when it comes to buying wheels and tyres.
The short answer to this question is yes… probably. Generally speaking, a vehi...
The Basics of Alloy Wheel Fitment
by AlloyWheels.com, FAQ's
Buying wheels can be a little bit overwhelming. At AlloyWheels.com we try our best to make navigating through the mire of PCDs, offsets and centre bore as straightforward as possible, with our wheel search function doing much of the hard work on your behalf. However, it's still sometimes useful to know the basics, so here we go:
The specifications of a wheel will often read as some va...
Welcome to the new AlloyWheels Blog
by AlloyWheels.com, Company News
Welcome to the blog! We aim to provide the best source for latest wheels, new brands and everything that is wheel and car related. Stay tuned!...